Sunday 27 February 2011

My first post...

I was always taught to start with my topic sentence. Let the reader know what to expect. Okay here goes nothing. I am always learning, I always want to keep growing, I want to get to know God better, I want to live life, I am learning who I am... All of these things lead me to my topic... I am... and right now... I am learning. I am hoping to share my thoughts on who I am, and my life, and hope to provide an outlet for some of my ramblings!! :) ENJOY :)

So... I've started actually a couple blogs before, and I'm not sure if this one will stay going, but here's worth a try! I ramble... I'm sorry to any who reads this, because I ramble... So I hope some of this will make sense!

I've felt like having a space to call my own where I can share my thoughts, feelings, and wonderings about life. My title "Fearfully and wonderfully made" makes so much sense to me right now. I have been going down a journey, this year, it seems to be in a place where I am learning some pretty tough life lessons. A recent discussion with my friend reminded me of this life lesson. "Some people want to deal with it, and some people want to shove it all under a rug and pretend like it didn't happen." For those who know me, they know I am not a rug shover, but definitely belong to the first camp. I learned this lesson, and learned that until some people are ready to deal with the truth (I hear myself saying "The TRUTH?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!" (Wow I am so tanjent prone), and some aren't. That's where I feel like the Bible offers up so much wisdom, it says "but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head" Eph 4:15. Now...knowing this I also know that there is always a time and a place for such things, and it's hard when you really feel like it's MY time but you know it's not HIS time. It's a constant battle sometimes for me! I so desperately want to resolve and issue that it becomes to easy to speak that truth sometimes not in Love and not in His timing. I am learning this lesson, seriously. I was just having this conversation with a friend, who I admire greatly, about how to deal with people who are rug shovers while she is not. It's hard in our social context to not be polite, but it's also hard to "pretend" that things are hunky-dory (Is that how you spell that?!). It reminds me of training Jacob... When Jacob does something I don't like... I correct him... No discussion, no speaking the truth, it's just "No" and Jacob learns... Seriously, for some reason it doesn't work that way in the human world... (Just kidding!!!!)

Anyways, there's my first lesson... Some people are rug-shovers and some people are truth-shovers. I am hoping for a balanced, God inspired view on that one! What's your take on it?! Which side are you on? Anyone find a good balance?!

Anyways, I have to share a really cool story about how God looks after me! I was over at Hogie's... Now fellow blog readers, you will probably hear far too much about my puppy Jacob, and Hogie is his brother. God brought their owners together, Cheryl & Myself and we just get along amazingly! All through our dogs. ANYWAYS - we totally have playdates, like every week. When I go to Cheryl's she has this amazing wax light bulb smelly thing and it smells SO good. So just on my way out I said "Cheryl if you ever see one of those things again could you pick one up for me?" So it goes the lady who sells Sentsy was having a Sentsy *not sure of spelling* party that same evening and we high-tailed it to her party and I came home with one with the exact scent that Cheryl had (Eskimo Kiss). Needless to say, it's delicious and it relaxes me! It was just such a cool moment that it worked out perfectly! 

God is always there and looks after us!!


  1. Welcome back to blogging! The whole truth in love thing takes me back to youth when we were having small group discussion in one of the classrooms about that exact verse. I remember hearing some profound things out of the mouths of you girls and then some laughter as we tried to figure out how to speak truth in love. I do recall two of you specifically spouting that phrase for the next few weeks!!!
    Way to be vulnerable girl! Proud of you!!!

  2. You know what's so crazy about that, is I remember that specific youth night so vividly, it was so profound!!! Oh good times in youth!! Thanks for reminding me of that!! :) Thanks for your comment Carly!!! :)
