Thursday 3 March 2011

Another life lesson

I'm actually writing this blog as I'm listening to the "Rusted Root" song "Send me on my way" and I'm dancing, really quite nerdily, is that an adjective?! (Must remember to teach it to my kids... they will believe me! LOL) (Seriously hoping Jordan doesn't catch me in my full nerdiness!!!). This song just has such a nice feeling and is upbeat. I actually like having the lyrics here and try singing with it haha, it's a challenge. See... I warned you I was tangent prone!!!! Okay... My next life lesson.

Here are the lyrics

"I would like to reach out my hand
I may see you, I may tell you to run
You know what they say about the young
Well pick me up with golden hands
Oh may see you, Oh may tell you to run
You know what they say about the young

Well I would like to hold my little, hand
How we will run We will. How we will crawl we will.
I would like to hold my little, hand.
How we will run we will. How we will crawl.

Send me on my way, on my way"

Next life lesson. I will probably always be learning what to say, when to say it, and how to say it and if I keep forgiving others, and myself I'll keep getting better.

James 3:6 "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell."

Powerful? I think so! I think it's a constant struggle for me, and I'm sure lots of people to actually control the words that come out of my mouth sometimes. I actually feel like when I started this blog I was like... I'm going to say whatever is on my mind no matter what. Then I began thinking, well I can't really talk about work because that's not professional, I can't talk about bad things in my life because that might hurt someone's feelings, and man I shouldn't EVER say anything mean about so and so etc. It was actually a little frustrating because I really want to write things here that I would admit, I just don't have to the guts to do. I also realized, and well if I'm being honest, I've known this for a while... that when I'm holding onto things I'm not forgiving them and it's hurting me more than it's hurting them. Then last night again my cherished friend shared with me a simple yet SO profound (Isn't that the way it always is, I always find the most simplest things so profound, maybe I'm just simple or not profound lol okay back to business, oh and I always want to spell buisness like that, and it's wrong because it's business, seriously sorry). It says "I choose to forgive (A) for (B) and I release (A) into the freedom of my forgiveness and from my judgment. A= others, yourself or God B=What others, yourself and God (Perceived) has done (Be specific). After you say this prayer on your own, then you ask Jesus to come in and remove the pain and sting of this memory and pour in His peace. Isn't that profound? Just having this simple formula releases stress for me. I know what to say and how to say it. There are many things that I'm holding onto and then want to say something that is not "God inspired" or tell someone about how terrible someone else is, and yes there is time to vent, but there are still things that I'm holding onto from years and years ago. So this is what I'm learning...  Lots of those things that I might WANT to say to someone or FEEL like I NEED to say to them, if I had forgiven that person and prayed before I say it, I probably wouldn't end up saying it. Seriously, this is such a hard life lesson, but I am working on it!!! I am working on learning when, how and what to say.

This blog was actually hard to write about because, really, do I want to admit to the world (Really it's not the world reading this, but my dear friends but you are the world to me ;) ) to read this and know that I'm holding onto things?! It's scary, it's really scary. So anyways I'm saying it and I hope you still love me even though I'm working on it. Just know that I am definitely working on this and am learning day by day!

I wanted to close my blog tonight with another song "He knows my name" - This part makes me cry almost every time. How great the Saviors love for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call" -

Matthew 10:30 "But the very hairs of your head are numbered". Seriously, have we ever thought about this?! I must rant about something else even though you my readers thoughts my blog was done, muahahaha it IS not!! Do you remember ever trying to count the hairs on your cabbage patch doll only to find that big bald spot?! Okay well maybe I'm the only one who does, but I never ever counted every hair on their heads, and I have much more hair than a Cabbage Patch Doll, and God knows all of them?! AMAZING. SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!! See... I warned you... simple things... are profound!!!!!!!


  1. Allison, your way of thinking and writing make me laugh :) in a good way. I've never really thought about the last verse that way before. simple yet profound!

  2. It's an adverb. ;)

    Great post. Very encouraging and a good reminder.
